Officials implement Maryland’s Rules of the Road for many reasons, but the top motivation behind traffic laws is safety. By following these rules every time you get behind the wheel of a car, you make great strides in protecting yourself and those in the vehicle with you. Unfortunately, not all motorists are as dedicated to safety. They violate traffic regulations through careless driving, and many even intentionally break the law when in a hurry or frustrated.
It may not seem like a big deal to violate motor vehicle regulations. But even a minor mistake or oversight can lead to serious auto collision. It is important to retain an Owings Mills car accident attorney right away if you were hurt or lost a loved one in a crash, since you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Still, it is important to be vigilant about the top Maryland traffic laws that drivers do not follow.
Posted Speed Limits:
Probably the most common way of breaking Maryland traffic laws is traveling over the speed limit. However the dangers are not limited to reckless speeds. A driver who exceeds the posted limit by just 5-10 miles per hour can cause the risk of crashes because of the impacts on reaction time.Â
No Passing Zone Restrictions:
Motorists often attempt to overtake a slower vehicle despite the prohibitions on passing. Assuming that the path is clear for a quick maneuver. Officials implement no-passing zones because of visibility or traffic-related issues, so drivers increase the potential for collisions by disregarding the laws.
Distracted Driving:
Despite the threat of fines, many drivers cannot resist the temptation to pick up an important call or shoot off a quick text. Not only is cell phone use while driving illegal, but it also affects a motorist’s capabilities in three ways. Visually, manually, and cognitively. When all three factors are impaired, safe operation of the vehicle also suffers.
Traffic Controls:
Signs, signals, lane markings, and other indicators are intended to:
- Ensure safe, smooth traffic flow;
- Provide motorists with instructions on navigating intersections;
- Alert road users about issues ahead; and,
- Direct drivers on what actions are prohibited.
Failing to comply with traffic controls has consequences for all of these objectives.
Right of Way and Yield Laws:
It may come as a surprise to learn that many motorists do not have a firm grasp on who has right of way in certain traffic situations. Confusion is a specific issue at four-way stops and T-intersections. Where drivers assume they can proceed and collide with motorists who are not required to yield. Other issues are left turns at intersections and not coming to a complete stop before turning right.
Consult With a Baltimore County, MD Car Accident Attorney About Your Remedies
These are some of the most common violations of Maryland traffic laws that lead to auto collisions, but there are many other causes and contributing factors. To learn more about your legal options as a victim, please contact attorney Michael A. Freedman to set up a no-cost case evaluation at our offices in Owings Mills, MD.